Other Academic Writing
Academic Writing
During the years I dedicated to my doctoral research, between 2013 and 2017, much of my creative output took the shape of academic writing. Here you can find a list of selected publications to which I have contributed.
Editor’s Introduction (2018)
Introduction to Design and Culture, Vol. 10, n.1 (2018), edited and curated by the Decolonising Design group.
Collaboration with Tristan Schultz, Mahmoud Keshavarz, Ece Canlı, Matthew Kiem, Ahmed Ansari, Danah Abdulla, and Pedro J. S. Vieira de Oliveira.
What Is at Stake with Decolonizing Design? A Roundtable (2018)
This roundtable was conducted bythe eight founding members of Decolonising DesignGroup in October 2017, using an online messaging platform. Each member approached design and decoloniality from different yet interrelating viewpoints, by threading their individual arguments with the preceding ones. The piece thus offers and travels through a variety of subject matters, including politics of design, artificiality, modernity, Eurocentrism, capitalism, Indigenous Knowledge, pluriversality, continental philosophy, pedagogy, materiality, mobility, language, gender oppression, sexuality, and intersectionality.
Collaboration with Tristan Schultz, Mahmoud Keshavarz, Ece Canlı, Matthew Kiem, Ahmed Ansari, Danah Abdulla, and Pedro J. S. Vieira de Oliveira.
Decolonising Design Education (2017)
A talk with Luiza Prado, Danah Abdulla and Tristan Schultz on Decolonising Design Education, given at 'Exclusive Access: On the dynamics and vocabularies of co-option, care and the subaltern', Research Pavilion, 57th Venice Biennale 2017
Breaking the cycle of Macondo: design and decolonial futures (2016)
How can the ideas of timelessness and anachronism contribute to the decolonization of design practices in Latin America? Written in collaboration with Pedro J. S. Vieira de Oliveira. Published on XRDS Journal.
Decolonizing Ecologies of Time: Towards Speculative and Critical Design Practice in Latin America (2016)
In Latin America, reality is always dangerously touching dystopia. Even though sometimes it feels that we are moving forward, violence and inequality keep pushing us back to realities much akin to our colonial past, and our history seems to repeat itself. The invasion of land, military coups, police brutality, violent regimes, and the genocide of indigenous and Afro-Latin peoples are all integral to the fabric of our reality. The cyclical nature of our history emerges as it becomes clear that the structures of power pushing us back to the past have, in fact, never left. We are left feeling like actors in a play, performing the same scenes over and over again.
Written in collaboration with Pedro J. S. Vieira de Oliveira. Published on Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus.
Pills, Gender, and Design: Speculations on Queer Materialities (2016)
This paper was presented at the Aalto Winter School in February 2016. It offers a brief description of the theoretical part of my dissertation.
If Not Tomorrow, Then Today: Paradigms of Latin American Design (2016)
Written in collaboration with Pedro J. S. Vieira de Oliveira. Chapter on “The Responsible Object”, edited by Marjanne van Helvert and published by Valiz.
Futuristic Gizmos, Conservative Ideals: On Anachronistic Design (2015)
Written in collaboration with Pedro J. S. Vieira de Oliveira. Published on Modes of Criticism, issue 1.
Privilege and Oppression: Towards a Feminist Speculative Design (2014)
Paper published at the Design Research Society Conference.